21 July 2022

Powys County Council has welcomed the findings of a Care Inspectorate Wales letter for the Council’s Adult and Childrens’ Services.
The letter, which reported on the findings of an Improvement Check carried out in May, focussed on key areas of People, Prevention, Well-being and Partnership.
Council Leader, Councillor James Gibson-Watt said: “The improvement letter recognises the improvements that have been carried out in recent times.
“We welcome the findings and that CIW recognise that progress has been made in key areas for the services. We know there is more do and the challenge for the Council is to maintain that upward trend under very challenging circumstances.”
In its summary Care Inspectorate Wales reported:
People – We found the local authority has worked hard to reshape and re-design its service with a focus on improving delivery of early intervention and preventative services.
Prevention – In children’s services, although a process was in place in relation to transition of children between teams and services, we found examples where the support for some families was too fragmented. Further work is required to ensure seamless and co-ordinated services which prevent escalation of need and ensures the best outcomes for children and families.
Well-being – We saw good examples of mental capacity assessments and best interest decision making taking place in accordance with the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and accompanying code of practice.
Partnership – We heard about effective partnership working with health professionals in relation to hospital discharge. This included virtual ward meetings. One practitioner, despite the challenges associated with hospital discharge, described feeling there was a ‘together approach’
CIW will continue to monitor progress with ongoing performance monitoring and review activities with the Council.
Link to full report: https://careinspectorate.wales/local-authority-improvement-check-letter-powys-county-council-social-services