29 September 2022

The Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 requires all local authorities to prepare a Public Participation Strategy setting out how they will encourage local people to participate in decision-making.
Powys County Council believes all stakeholders, including residents, partners, and businesses should have opportunities to participate and engage, so their voices influence future decisions and service provision across Powys.
The drafted strategy, which has been prepared in accordance with Welsh Government guidance, sets out the vision for public participation in Powys.
As part of the development process of preparing the public participation strategy, the Council is asking for feedback.
Cllr James Gibson-Watt, Leader and Cabinet Member for an Open and Transparent Powys, said: “We want to work in the best interests of Powys and put residents and communities at the heart of all we do. This strategy will guide both council staff and elected members towards a more collaborative culture of participation and engagement with our local communities.
“I encourage as many people as possible to have their say on the draft document and help us ensure the final document meets the everyone’s needs.”
To view a copy of the draft strategy and provide your feedback, please visit: https://www.haveyoursaypowys.wales/public-participation-strategy
Feedback can be submitted online, or a feedback form is available to download and can be returned by email to [email protected] or handed in at any Powys Library.
The closing date to submit any feedback is Sunday 18 December 2022.